Home Business Insights & Advice How employers should respond to workplace injuries

How employers should respond to workplace injuries

by Sponsored Content
22nd Feb 19 1:07 pm

A lot of companies need employees. This is even true for some of the smallest businesses on the planet.  Employees are the lifeblood of any business, as they help you go through your day-to-day operations. Running a business can get busy, so it’s nice to have those extra hands to help you stay on top of your tasks.

As beneficial as it is to have employees, however, the sad truth of the matter is that having employees can be very frustrating. You always have to make sure that they’re doing things right. If they’re not, there is a risk that your employees are going to suffer from workplace injuries. When this happens, you’ll need to act immediately. Otherwise, things are going to spiral out of control. Since the accident happened in your workplace, you can be held liable for these injuries.

Within this guide, you’re going to learn how you should be dealing with workplace injuries.

Proper training

First and foremost, you should take steps to protect your business in the first place. One of the best ways to do that is by providing your workers with proper training. Having an adequate training program up and running from the very beginning will make a big difference in the long run. Be sure that your workers know how to perform their jobs safely. If you do not offer proper training, there is going to be a greater risk that your company is going to get sued at some point down the line.

This training is only the beginning of the level of preparedness your business needs to possess to avoid workplace accidents. Should they still happen, it’ll also give you an overall idea on how to respond to these accidents.

Apart from training, you should come up with an advanced plan to prevent work injuries and minimise hazards. These include:

  • Assigning a safety officer to perform dangerous jobs
  • Creating response plans for many accident types
  • Maintaining a file of emergency contacts for every employee

Lawyer up

Remember that your company shouldn’t work a single day without hiring a lawyer. If you do, there is going to be a very significant risk that you’re going to get in serious trouble. There is always going to be a risk that your workers are going to hire a personal injury lawyer. If they do, your company is going to be in serious trouble. With that being said, you should definitely get yourself a lawyer. Make sure that your company is protected to the fullest. Minimize the risk by teaming up with a good lawyer.

Seek medical attention

Before gathering all of the necessary evidence to file for your employees’ claims, it’s also your responsibility to ensure their safety. Seek medical attention immediately, especially when it’s obvious that this is needed ASAP.

It’s normal for employers to immediately think about the financial implications of the injury. However, don’t put this above the health and safety of your team. You can worry about this later, once you’re sure that the injuries of your employees are attended to. Otherwise, you might just put them at risk of getting into a more serious situation than they’re in at the moment.

Get evidence

After an accident happens at work, you need to make sure that you are aware of the circumstances. This is why you’ll want to gain evidence as quickly as possible. You need to know what happened and why it happened. This will prove to be immensely beneficial in several ways. For starters, having the evidence will ensure that you’re able to defend your company. At the same time, you’ll know exactly what went wrong. That will make it much easier for you to prevent such accidents from happening again in the future. Be sure to hire a team of experts to ensure that you’re able to gain evidence after an incident takes place.

A personal injury lawyer from a firm such as Shiner Law Group can help you go through the legal process of employees’ claims with the evidence you have gathered.

Workers’ compensation

Finally, it is absolutely pertinent to make sure that your company cooperates fully with workers’ compensation. After all, you pay this type of insurance to ensure that your workers are going to be protected in the event of an accident. You need to make sure that you provide workers’ comp with the information that they need in a timely manner. This will ensure that your company remains in compliance. It will also help protect and provide for the employee. In return, there is a real possibility that the workers’ compensation is going to prevent the employee from suing your company at some point in the future.

Final word

A safe and accident-free workplace is always the most desirable situation. However, accidents are inevitable. Even the safest of all workplaces can still have it, particularly when the days get very busy. While you don’t have control over accidents happening, you can control its outcome.

Remember that as an employer, you have responsibility over your employees while they’re inside the workplace. These tips above now shed light on what you should do when an accident happens. That way, you’re able to protect yourself, your business, and your employees as well.

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