Home Business Insights & Advice Five reasons you need a coffee bar in your office

Five reasons you need a coffee bar in your office

by Sponsored Content
6th Nov 19 2:49 pm

Coffee is the only drink that we need as soon as we get off the bed. From the cooperate world to housewives coffee is an essential part of their routine. Then imagine how badly the employee in your office needs it. A good cup of coffee on their desks as soon as they get in- where is this dream office?

A coffee bar can be a great addition to your office and CoffeeGearX can help you select the most economical coffee machines on the market for your coffee bar. Many companies have their coffee machines and in the long term, they prove to be good investments.

Coffee may simply seem like a drink but it can boost employee’s confidence and efficiency. Also, you can serve your clients a well-brewed coffee and it will help you create a healthy working environment.

However, if you are still not convinced here are a few benefits that will convince you.

1. An in-house coffee machine improves productivity

It is a fact that coffee helps fight against lethargy and low efficiency. Having an in-house coffee bar means that whenever the employees feel sluggish they can have a cup of coffee. This will improve their work speed and will help them increase their focus on the task given to them.

Whenever the employees feel tired, which is natural as the body produces adenosine which decreases alertness level, they tend to pop out and grab a cup of coffee. An in house coffee bar means that rather than going out they would be able to enjoy it in the office which will take lesser time than them popping out for the coffee.

2. It will give employees a chance to socialize

When two people are standing side by side and enjoying a cup of coffee it is pretty natural to strike up a conversation. A coffee bar in the office means that the employees will naturally interact with each other and gradually become friends. These social interactions should be viewed positively rather than as distractions. This helps your employees bond and they can perform well when they have to work as a team. These positive interactions also build healthy relationships and a positive work culture in which employees tend to stick around.

3. A good first impression to clients

Do you have lots of clients visiting you every day? Offering your clients a cup of freshly-brewed coffee as soon as they sit down is a great way to uplift their mood and show that you care.

Also, even if you have to make them wait, we are pretty sure with that coffee in their hand they wouldn’t mind a few minutes.

4. Coffee improves the mood

Waking up in the morning is a chore but as soon as you have that coffee you feel better and more prepared to handle the day. Unknown to you it was caffeine, a strong stimulant in the coffee that put you in a better mood and gave you the energy boost. Similarly, an in-house coffee bar can change the energy, mood, and vibe of your office.

5. Quality work by the employees

Employees are the most essential part of your business if they aren’t happy and feel uncared for. They won’t do the job so well. Having an in-house coffee bar means that the employees feel cared for and appreciated. Also, the employee who is working extra hours just to complete an emergency assignment or an incomplete work, they will be thankful for that amazing fresh cup of coffee.  It will also help them relive their desk pain as caffeine is a great reliever of stress.

Hopefully, we have convinced you enough to set up a coffee bar in your office. An investment that will go a long way in terms of payback.

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