Home Business Insights & Advice Five creative lead generation ideas

Five creative lead generation ideas

by Sponsored Content
4th Feb 20 1:10 pm

Every modern business needs a lead generation strategy: a plan for getting new clients or customers. Every market imaginable is increasingly competitive, the internet has allowed for any business owner from anywhere in the world to have a global market. As a result, businesses need to be creative with their marketing. Whether you’re a lawyer looking for mass torts lead generation or a seamstress looking to take your business to the next level, anyone can benefit from these creative lead generation ideas.

Make videos

Making videos can be a daunting task. However, they are an increasingly powerful way to communicate. Videos allow you to put across a lot of information without someone having to read too much writing. This increases the likelihood of someone buying into your product or service. They can help your brand to grow and they are an excellent thing to be able to send to people. Furthermore, you can keep re-using them.

Some video ideas could be: a consumer talking about their experience, an interview from an expert or a whiteboard drawing.

Make a quiz

Gathering information about people and their needs will allow you to produce more targeted advertising. One way to do this is to create a quiz. This is also a fun way to engage new people and make them aware of your brand. You can spread this across all of your social media channels and perhaps set it as a paid ad, driving more traffic to your pages.

Use Quora

One platform you may not have thought about is Quora. This is a question and answer platform. If you are trying to sell a service then present your knowledge to people and generate leads organically.

Create a webinar

If you have a skill that people want to learn then you may be able to put together a webinar. This will allow you to have a presence on new platforms such as event websites and will give you a new angle on social media. Keep it free to maximize your audience potential. Also, consider bringing in guests to create less work for yourself and widen your audience. Your guests should have their own following, who will then get to hear about you. Consider what skills you can give people for free and what may make them want to stay connected to you and use your service or buy your product.

Use LinkedIn and use it well

LinkedIn is all about your personal brand. Although it does not have as many users as some other social media platforms it is a professional platform. As a result, it has the highest visitor to lead conversion rate of any other social media platform. Connect to relevant people and post creative and original content. Write blogs, update your status and comment on other peoples. Try and encourage activity by asking questions. Do not use blogs just as a way to sell things, try and write things that people will want to share and talk about.

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