Home Business NewsBusiness Eurostar: Major security scare because of moronic ‘aggressive British drunks on board’

Eurostar: Major security scare because of moronic ‘aggressive British drunks on board’

30th May 17 2:43 pm

This is what happened

A major security scare left more than 770 Eurostar passengers stranded as the London bound train was forced to make an emergency stop.

The train stopped at Calais-Frethun station Monday evening as officals originally feared there could have been migrant stowaways on board.

French officials ordered everyone off the train so that it could be searched forcing passengers to go through the security checks again, this lasted for over 6 hours.

This happened all because two idiots decided to get drunk and be aggressive to staff and French police dragged them off.

Eurostar said in a tweet:

A source from SNCF, France’s national railway, said: “The police were dealing with a couple of aggressive British drunks on board.”

“It was a very warm night, and doors were opened while the train was stopped still. This caused a security scare, and everybody on board had to be re-checked.”

A spokesman for Eurostar said: “One service yesterday evening was held at Calais to remove two passengers due to disorderly behaviour.

“As this involved opening the doors, the French border authorities had to go through the passport checks again for everybody on board before the train could continue its journey.

“We apologise for the inconvenience this caused to customers whilst these checks were carried out and are offering compensation to those affected.”

Furious passengers posted this tweets:


Eurostar apologised and said this on Twitter:


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