Home London News Ermm.. Watching sport during work hours increases loyalty

Ermm.. Watching sport during work hours increases loyalty

19th Aug 16 11:31 am

Allowing employees to watch sports during working hours can actually increase their loyalty and productivity.

This comes as figures from the latest Totaljobs Employment Index (TEI) reveal that applications per job posted on the totaljobs website is up by 14% year-on-year (YOY).

The research was conducted by totaljobs following the Euro 2016 tournament and surveyed both employers and employees. It found that 18% of employees were allowed some time by their employers to watch matches.

The positive impact on their attitude towards their employers is clear, as nearly half (41%) of employees said this increased their loyalty to the company. Perhaps surprisingly, productivity did not suffer with only 5% of employers noticing a change in productivity during the tournament. Meanwhile 28% of employees reported that their productivity actually increased.

Almost half (47%) of employers think there is more workplace banter amongst employees during sporting and cultural events. A further 30% believe that they see increased team morale and 26% think their workforce is happier. Importantly, 13% noticed more motivated employees.

With the UK’s employment rate at record-high levels and the latest Totaljobs Employment Index (TEI) reporting a 15% increase in total job applications year-on-year, now is a crucial time for employers to take action and foster the loyalty of their employees.

The Rio Olympic Games may prove to be the perfect opportunity for employers, as over a third (36%) of employees said that their attitude would be more positive if they were allowed to have time off to watch sport. In fact, 43% of men claim that their attitude to work would be more positive if they were allowed time off to watch sport, compared to just 28% of women.

John Salt, Group Sales Director, totaljobs, said: “A sporting event such as the Olympic Games is a fantastic opportunity for employers to bring their workforce together and boost morale and positive attitudes towards the company. Workplaces that offer added perks such as time off to watch high-profile sporting events are more likely to retain talent within their business.”

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