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Home Business NewsBusiness En+ top boss quits amid company chaos

En+ top boss quits amid company chaos

4th Jun 18 7:27 am

Resignation announced today

En+ announces that Maxim Sokov – President and Executive Director of the Company – has had his resignation from the Board of Directors of the Group accepted. It is effective 1 June 2018 and sees Mr Sokov relinquishing all roles and responsibilities relating to the Group.

The Company continues to focus on implementation of the plan announced on 27 April 2018, which includes the appointment of new directors, such that the Board will be comprised of a majority of new independent directors. The “Barker Plan” has made significant progress in recent weeks and the decision of Mr Sokov has been made within the context of continuing the implementation phase of the “Barker Plan”.

Maxim Sokov commented:

“En+ is currently facing unprecedented and unforeseen challenges and I have taken the decision to step down from the company for the sake of its future prosperity in anticipation of implementation of Lord Barker’s plan which I fully support. I have been on a five year journey with En+ and it includes many achievements, but ultimately culminated in our London listing in November 2017.

I would like to thank each and every one of the many outstanding professionals that make up the En+ team. I wish the En+ the very best and look forward to seeing the continued growth of the company”.

Lord Barker of Battle, independent chairman, commented:

“Maxim Sokov made a huge contribution to the development of En+ Group and our successful IPO in particular. We wish him all the best with his new endeavours.

Looking to the future, new appointments to the En+ board are a key part of the “Barker Plan” to lift sanctions against the company. This recruitment process is well underway, and I expect to be able to confirm the proposed candidates that we will be submitting to OFAC soon”.

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