Home Lifestyle News Cost of UK food shopping continues to rise

Cost of UK food shopping continues to rise

2nd Aug 17 3:10 pm

What will cost more this month…

The cost of the UK’s shopping basket continues to grow as the price of the average basket of 35 popular groceries increased from £83.04 in June to £84.35 in July, a 1.1 per cent rise.

Shopping comparison website mySupermarket’s monthly groceries tracker found that the cost of 19 products rose in the month, while 10 decreased and six remained the same.

The cost of the average basket is £1.31 more expensive than June and it is also 91p more expensive than July 2016.

The majority of the products rose by two to 8 eight per cent but prices for onions rose 16 per cent and kitchen towels prices jumped 18 per cent.

Prices on other basics such as baked beans, pasta, and cucumber were up by two per cent, three per cent and four per cent respectively.

The price of mushrooms has finally dropped by 6 per cent following a consistent three-month increase. The items that did fall in price, did so minimally as the difference is only one per cent.

mySupermarket’s CEO Gilad Simhony said: “We are not yet seeing a slowdown in the price increases in the supermarkets. Since June there has been a £3 rise in the price of the average shopping basket, which is more than double for the same period last year as it only rose by £1.50 in the same two months last year.

“More than ever, customers should do their research before shopping so they can make sure they are getting the best value for money. Shoppers can save up to 30 per cent on their shop by using mySupermarket to compare across supermarkets.”

Since February food prices have been rising according to research by the British Retail Consortium, but analysts are now predicting that food price rises should now plateau. However, they have forecast price rises from non-food retailers in the coming months.

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