Home Business News Coronavirus: Italian Army called in as crematorium struggles to cope

Coronavirus: Italian Army called in as crematorium struggles to cope

by LLB Reporter
19th Mar 20 12:10 pm

Bergamo, in northern Italy is one of the worst hit areas by the coronavirus outbreak, the army have been called in to assist the crematorium to move dozens of coffins to other areas, Ansa news agency said.

The wealthiest area in the Lombardy region now has at least 93 deaths which are rapidly growing every day.

A spokesperson for the authority said, “The crematorium of Bergamo, working at full capacity, 24 hours a day, can cremate 25 dead.

“It is clear that it could not stand up to the numbers of the past few days.”

Italy has been on lockdown since 9 March and have over 37,700 confirmed cases and over 10,000 dead.

In the small town of Vo where they have trialled blanket testing and have imposed strict quarantine measures, has not had any new cases of the virus since Friday.

The town has 3,300 residents and Mayor Giuliano Martini said, “Testing was vital, it has saved many lives.”

However, here in the UK only those who have been in known contact with an infected person, or if you have travelled back from a high-risk area, then you are tested

NHS Dr breaks cover and warns coronavirus is spreading through Hospitals. An NHS doctor who has developed coronavirus symptoms has issued a dire warning that the NHS is “heading into the abyss.”

Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, has tested positive for coronavirus, he said in a tweet on Thursday, he is “doing well and in good spirits.”

The British Army has placed 20,000 troops on standby and are ready to be mobilised across London and the UK to help tackle the coronavirus outbreak.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) have said, some 10,000 troops are being held in “higher readiness” ready for civil emergency, which could double to support public services.

Tank drivers will supply vital oxygen supplies, and will assist the NHS, the MoD said on Wednesday evening.

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