Home Business Insights & Advice Common startup problems and how you can avoid them

Common startup problems and how you can avoid them

by Sarah Dunsby
7th Dec 23 12:43 pm

There are a lot of common startup problems that new businesses have, and yet nobody seems to be learning from anyone else. If you were to see someone push a pull door, and then you were going to walk out of that door later, you would remember what had happened and pull it, right? The same principle applies when you are starting up a business. It’s important to know what hasn’t worked up to now, so that you know what to avoid. The more information that you can gather, the less vulnerable you are to the common problems that people have.

In this article, we’re going to be discussing a range of these different problems so that you don’t have to go through them yourself and risk your business never getting off the ground. If you’re interested in learning more about this, then please do keep reading.

Finance issues

One of the most common issues that people experience is problems with money. Starting up a business is not going to be cheap, and that’s something that you have got to think about right from the start. We’re sure that there are some of you who are sitting there and thinking about the few success stories that you have heard about business owners starting with absolutely nothing. These people were very lucky, and they are the exception that proves the rule and nothing more.

So, you’re going to need money then. If you don’t have any to fund your business, and most people don’t, you’re going to have to get creative. There are a few different funding options that you can look into, and then decide where you want to go from there. It’s a popular choice to look into getting an investor or multiple investors depending on how much money you need. You can look up articles such as How To Find Investors For Your Startup if you are interested in that.

Or, if you don’t want someone else to own part of your business, then perhaps a small business loan from the bank is a better option for you. Of course, this will depend on your credit score etc. The other choice is looking into crowdsourcing, but this doesn’t usually achieve the kind of results that most entrepreneurs need, so keep that in mind.

Trouble gathering demand

How are you planning to start a business if there is nobody who is interested in buying from you? The short answer here is that you can’t, because without customers there is going to be no business. That’s why it’s so important to do your research beforehand, making sure that you know that there will be at least an audience for you to cater to. We advise that you try to drum up some interest in your business idea before you actually launch so that you can gauge just how much demand there actually is.

If there isn’t as much as you would like, then it’s time to generate some. If you are set on your idea, and you don’t really want to go in another direction with this new business, then creating demand is your best option. There are plenty of ways that you can do this but most of it comes down to how you market. You need to make your products or services a need in the minds of people, not a luxury they just can’t afford.

Lack of clear direction

When you decided that you wanted to start a business, did you sit down and write a business plan? If not, why? How else are you going to establish a solid foundation for yourself that you can build upon and add bits to as and when they are needed. It might not seem like a big problem in the beginning when you are just making decisions left, right and center, but what about when you find yourself stuck. If you don’t know what way you’re supposed to be moving, it can be really easy to veer off course, and that’s when things start to go wrong.

Having a clear direction is the very thing that will help you see your business to success. Of course, sometimes things change and they don’t work out the way that you thought they would, but that happens. As long as you have a starting point, and you have something to go back to if the detour goes wrong, that’s what matters.

No faith in yourself

Sigrid Gombert / Avalon

The problem for a lot of people is that they have no faith in themselves and their ability to lead a business. But, if this is the case then you shouldn’t be starting a business in the first place. The company as a whole is only ever going to be as strong as the weakest player on the team, but if the leader is weak, then this is a bad tone for the entire business. Those who don’t have faith in themselves will question their judgment at every turn, they will worry that they have made wrong choices, and they will avoid taking risks out of fear.

If this is something that you struggle with, before you start your business, we recommend taking some business classes and some leadership classes. It will really help you to build up your knowledge, and ensure that you are confident in your ability to create a successful business.

Problems on the legal side

Legalities can be tricky. The law is complex at the best of times, and trying to understand everything is just too complicated, and yet some people try anyway. It works on occasion, but there is always the chance that you are going to miss something important and that can cause problems for your business down the line. Instead of allowing this to happen, you need to hire a lawyer on retainer as soon as you start the business. They will be able to provide you with all of the legal advice that you need, ensuring that you are operating on the right side of the law. This includes things like getting the right licenses and permits depending on where you are operating from.

Worried about things going wrong

The final thing that we want to address is that new business owners are often worried about things going wrong. While this might seem like a good thing because it will make them cautious, it often makes them overcautious which can be super bad for your business. As we’ve mentioned, taking risks is important, and if you’re not willing to do this then things aren’t going to go too well for you.

The best thing that you can do is make sure that you get all of the correct business insurance policies in place as soon as possible. This should cover you in case of anything going wrong from a legal standpoint. As for everything else, it’s important that you always have a backup plan in place.

Of course, this does not encompass every single problem that you could experience when you are going to start a business, but it does give you a good insight into a lot of them. If you take the advice that we’ve given you above, then you should find that you don’t fall victim to some of the most common startup problems that most people experience. Try to remember that the more you plan out your business venture, the easier it’s going to be. That’s not to say that all of your plans are going to come to fruition the way that you first think, but at least you’ve got something to build on.

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