Home Business News Christmas pictures to make you smile

Christmas pictures to make you smile

by LLB Editor
16th Dec 11 3:36 pm

From a dancing traffic cop directing cars to a gigantic Christmas pudding hedge, there’s no way these Christmas visual wonders won’t make you smile

The dancing traffic cop avatar entertains drivers in Manila with his dance moves. Wouldn’t we love it if he came to London?




The massive Christmas pudding hedge has been five years in the making, Mr. and Mrs. Holley have painstakingly pruned the tree into a giant round ball, complete with cream and holly on top.

Surfing Santa

The traditional Dublin Boxing day swim is livened up by none other than Fast Christmas water skiers.

Santa dog

Mr Tumnus, a 14-week-old French bulldog and Lola, a two-year-old boxer arrive for a dog’s tea party at the Metrodeco Teashop in Brighton. The teashop is vying to become the most dog friendly business in Brighton.

Santa on a train

Santas take a trip on a mini train in Brixton to speed up gift giving as too many people have been good this year

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