Home Lifestyle NewsArt & Culture News Burger King launches world’s first pro-gay burger – but in the wrong way

Burger King launches world’s first pro-gay burger – but in the wrong way

4th Jul 14 11:23 am

I’m all for brands flying the flag for LGBT rights. A bit of brand activism can get important messages to wide audiences while boosting brand engagement – the ultimate win-win.

So when I heard about Burger King’s “Proud” Whopper this morning, launched to celebrate Gay Pride in San Francisco and being served in a rainbow-coloured wrapper bearing the words “We are all the same inside”, I thought: yeah.

Sure, it’s only being served in one Burger King in San Fran, but it’s still bold.

Burger King Proud Whopper

I thought: They’re going for the pink pound, sure. But at least they’re doing it by supporting a cause that matters.

Then I saw the promotional video from Burger King.

It made me feel a bit sick.


Burger King launches world’s first pro-gay burger – but in the wrong way

And @BurgerKing’s tweets aren’t much better:



What could have been a great bit of brand activism has disintegrated into a limp half-lettuce-leaf of mawkishness, griddled in commercial exploitation and with a side of faux integrity.

I think the main issue with this campaign is that Burger King is using its own #BeYourWay slogan as a kind of umbrella cultural edict for all of the following, thus equating them in moral magnitude:

1.       The right of all people to express their sexual identity

2.       The right of LGBT people to be accepted by all in society

3.       The right to choose whether or not you have a gherkin in your burger

If only Burger King had held back just one or two steps in that marketing strategy brainstorm, it could have done a great thing with this campaign.

Instead, it’s taken something important and authentic and made it feel fake and exploitative.

What do you think? Let me know in comments below and @sophiehobson




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