Home Business NewsBusiness British Airways cabin crew announce 48-hour strike

British Airways cabin crew announce 48-hour strike

4th Jan 17 9:40 am

More strikes to go ahead in the new year?

British Airways cabin crew have announced a 48-hour strike which will take place on Tuesday 10 January, flights could be affected by the move.

The news comes after members of the Unite Union have rejected an offer aimed at resolving a row over pay.

The cabin crew had plans to walkout on Christmas day and Boxing day. However, the action was suspended after talks at the conciliation service, Acas.

Unite have said its members rejected the recent offer by 7 to 1.

The dispute involves mixed fleet cabin crew who joined BA in recent years, the union says these people receive lower pay than other staff members.

Mixed fleet cabin crew work on both short and long haul flights.

National officer Oliver Richardson said: “British Airways is needlessly provoking strike action by refusing to extend the mandate of the strike ballot and allow meaningful talks to take place.”

“Instead of listening to why its ‘mixed fleet’ cabin crew rejected the offer negotiated at Acas, British Airways has sought instead to try and bully a workforce of young men and women who are trying to eke out a living on poverty pay.”

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