Home Business News 52 is the age Brits don’t care what people think and feel truly liberated

52 is the age Brits don’t care what people think and feel truly liberated

by LLB Reporter
22nd May 23 12:02 pm

Researchers surveyed the nation and revealed it is not until the ripe old age of 52, that the majority of Brits stop caring about what anyone else thinks – and start living for themselves.

Celebrities who are 52 in 2023, include Naomi Campbell, Matt Damon, Amanda Holden, Anne-Marie Duff, David Tennant, Ewan McGregor and Gary Barlow.

And the top behaviour trait of the truly liberated, is eating whatever you want without worrying or feeling guilty (28 percent), according to the 2,000 Brits surveyed.

Being happy to travel alone is also a sign a person is truly free (27 percent), as is being self – employed (24 percent) and telling people exactly what you think of them. (22 percent).

Being adventurous in bed (15 percent), not being embarrassed to go skinny dipping (15 percent) – and having the confidence to tell someone to their face, that you fancy them (11 percent), also made the list of traits.

One in ten (11 percent) said a sign of true confidence was being able to sing karaoke to a room full of people, without fear of judgement.

The study of 2,000 Brits suggests as many as eight in ten under 40s (80 percent) are not living life to the full, with 43 percent saying a lack of confidence holds them back.

In fact, a massive 94 percent believe they would be happier if they had more confidence and cared less what other think.

One in three (29 percent) admit they’re afraid they will fail if they follow their dreams, while a further 28 percent are scared of the unknown.

Behavioural expert and psychologist Anjula Mutunda said, “What tends to hold people back is fear of judgement. However, ditching that fear could be one of the most liberating things you could do for yourself. It could not only help to lower tension, relieve stress, and improve mental health but boost mood too”.

In a bid to help Brits find their inner free spirit and embrace what makes them truly happy, premium milkshake brand, Shaken Udder, who commissioned the poll, has launched a series of ‘Liberation Lessons’ to help Brits live life to the full.

A spokesperson for Shaken Udder said, “We’re keen to encourage people to cast aside their inhibitions.”

Overall, 19 percent hanker after the confidence to be non-conformist with their fashion choices, but play it safe instead, with 28 percent confessing they have had the same style for as long as they can remember.

Survey conducted by Perspectus Global in May 2023, polling 2000 Brits

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