Home Business News Boris DID say he’d ‘rather bodies pile high in a rage’ more insiders claim

Boris DID say he’d ‘rather bodies pile high in a rage’ more insiders claim

by LLB Politics Reporter
26th Apr 21 2:30 pm

Boris Johnson has been accused of saying that he would rather see “bodies pile high in their thousands” and has ruled out any more “f***ing lockdowns.”

The Prime Minister has publicly said on Monday when asked if he did say this in October, to which he said “No.”

According to the Daily Mail this disgraceful and shocking comment allegedly came after he reluctantly ordered the second lockdown before Christmas.

Now ITV’s Robert Peston has come forward as two “witnesses” have “corroborated” the Daily Mail’s version of what was said.

Peston who is a highly accredited Journalist wrote, “I am told [Johnson] shouted it in his study just after he agreed to the second lockdown ‘in a rage.’

“The doors to the Cabinet room and outer office were allegedly open and supposedly a number of people heard.

“I am bothering to repeat this assertion about what the Prime Minister said because two eyewitnesses, or perhaps I should say ‘ear witnesses’ have corroborated the Daily Mail’s account to me.

“Also these sources insist they did not brief the Mail, so that suggests there are three sources.”

Johnson allegedly made the shocking comments in a “rage” after Michael Gove warned him that soldiers will have to guard hospitals which would be overrun with Covid patients.

Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer said, “I think like everybody reading that I was astonished to see those words.

“It’s for the prime minister, I think now, to make a public statement about that.

“If he did say those things then he’s got to explain it. If he didn’t, go on the record and publicly explain what was said and what wasn’t said.

“Because I think everybody will be deeply concerned, not least all those families that have lost someone during this pandemic.”

Downing Street strongly disagrees that these comments were made and said earlier today that this claim is “just another lie,” despite the newspaper saying, but sources “stand by what they heard.”

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace told Sky News on Monday morning that this is “not true.”

“Look, it is not true, it has been categorically denied by practically everyone.

“We are getting into the sort of comedy chapter now of these gossip stories, unnamed sources, by unnamed advisers talking about unnamed events.

“None of this is serious. The Prime Minister has been utterly focused on delivering, alongside Cabinet colleagues, the response to Covid.”

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