Home Business NewsBusinessBanking News Barclays chairman to step down

Barclays chairman to step down

by Sarah Dunsby
22nd Feb 19 11:03 am

Sir Gerry Grimstone, the chairman of Barclay’s investment banking and international arm has announced, he is to step down at the end of February.

Sir Gerry said, “After 20-years sitting on the boards of a number of listed companies and having recently stepped down from the chairmanship of Standard Life Aberdeen, it is an appropriate moment for a change.

“There will doubtless be many other exciting public and private opportunities to pursue.

“I’m leaving Barclays in very good shape and I wish it very well for the future.”

McFarlane said: “Sir Gerry has made an important contribution to Barclays, initially as group deputy chairman and later as chairman of Barclays Bank where he oversaw the establishment of the subsidiary board and governance arrangements, as well as being a senior colleague on the group board.”

Jes Staley, chief executive said, “I am deeply grateful to him for the support and counsel he has provided me personally, as well as for his immense contribution to the turnaround of our corporate and investment bank in particular.

“He has been a great steward of Barclays during his time on the board and I wish him huge success in his future endeavours.”

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