Home Business Insights & Advice AC unit filter buying guide: All you need to know!

AC unit filter buying guide: All you need to know!

by Sponsored Content
20th Sep 22 10:05 am

Air filters are a crucial component of the HVAC system. Unfortunately, they are usually undermined and not given primary thought and importance. Air filters might look like a piece of cardboard, but they are the defense mechanism that keeps the circulating air clean and fresh.

Air filters trap dust, pollen, and other harmful particles and keep the indoor environment clean and pure. This is why you should pay special attention when purchasing an air filter for your HVAC system. Here is what to look for when you go air filter shopping.

1. Go for pleated air filters

Pleated air filters are more efficient and effective at their job. They provide the largest surface area to filter the incoming air. A greater amount of air can flow through the filter as there is more space for the air to pass through.

Pleated air filters last longer than regular flat filters because they are capable of holding a greater amount of dust and particles before needing to be cleaned and replaced.

2. Install smart AC filters

Thanks to the development in technology, we now have air filters that allow you greater control and info. Smart air conditioners and smart AC filters are an innovative technology that allows you to monitor the air filter status.

You can track how much dust has accumulated on the filter and when you should replace the filter. When the filter becomes filled with dust, you receive a notification on your mobile phone alerting you that the AC filter needs to be changed. This saves you from having to open the HVAC system and check the filter again and again.

3. Are HEPA filters your solution?

HEPA filters are not ideal for every household or building. If you live in a rural area with no pets and clean air, then a HEPA filter is not your solution because a standard filter can do the job well. You do not have to spend extra money on buying a HEPA filter when a regular filter can do the job. On the other hand, if you have pets or if you or any of your family members are susceptible to respiratory diseases or allergies, then a HEPA filter is a must-have as it can provide increased comfort and convenience.

4. AC unit filter sizes

One of the most important factors to consider when buying a new air conditioner filter is the size of the filter. You have to make sure that the size is perfect for your HVAC system. Every AC unit model has its own air filter size. There is no universal size for air filters. Common sizes include:

  •         A 16x20x4 air filter
  •         20x20x5 air filter
  •         20x21x1 air filter
  •         18x30x1 air filter

These are just a few of the sizes available. You can also get your AC filter size customized. In order to know the air filter size, you need to look at the dimensions printed on the old AC filter or go through the AC user’s manual.

The bottom line

It is very important to keep your indoor environment clean as this significantly affects your health and productivity. Make sure you keep in mind the above-mentioned tips when you go to buy your AC unit air filter, as they will help you find the perfect one.

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