Home Business NewsBusiness A series of bomb blasts rocks Thailand injuring dozens

A series of bomb blasts rocks Thailand injuring dozens

12th Aug 16 8:08 am

British government advises against travel

A wave of bomb blasts targeting tourist resorts in Thailand were carried out in four locations, killing at least four people and more than 30 have been injured.

They are believed to have been detonated remotely by mobile phones. Two bombs in Hua Hin were known to be hidden in plant pots 50m apart.

According to local media and police, the explosions went off within half an hour of each other and it is believed that investigators have found ball-bearings at the scene which is designed to cause maximum injury.

Targeting tourists resorts in Thailand are rare. It is sensitive timing as it is the Queens birthday this Friday.

At the time of writing, at least four people had been killed and more than 30 injured. Five foreigners are reported to be among the injured.

Briton Mark Gainsford, who had been in a bar near the blasts, told the BBC: “I heard people shouting ‘Bomb! Bomb!’ but I didn’t hear any blast.

“I ran out to see if I could help. I saw eight to 10 people injured, on the floor. The police arrived very quickly.”

Prayut Chan-o-cha, the Thai prime minister and leader of the military junta, has tightened security.

“The bombs are an attempt to create chaos and confusion,” Prayut was quoted by AFP as saying. “We should not make people panic more.”

“Why have the bombs occurred as our country is heading towards stability, a better economy and tourism – and who did it? You have to find out,” he added.

Meanwhile, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has advised against going to public places in Hua Hin.

A statement read: “We are seeking further information following incidents in Hua Hin in Thailand. We stand ready to provide assistance to any British nationals involved.”


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