Home Business News 6 crazy facts about the world's rich and famous

6 crazy facts about the world's rich and famous

17th Nov 17 2:07 pm

Get ready to blow your mind

Bill Gates

With a fortune of $86bn, we all know Gates is a generous philanthropist through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but did you know that two years after he dropped out of Harvard, Gates was arrested for traffic violation. Don’t believe us, see the picture!

Warren Buffett

Referred to as the “Oracle of Omaha”, Warren Buffett is an investing legend, business magnate and philanthropist. But very few know that majority of his success came after the age of 60. Although Buffett was successful before that as well but nearly 94 per cent of his wealth came after he turned 60. At present he is worth $78.1bn.

Amancio Ortega

Founder of Spanish clothing chain Zara,Ortega is the wealthiest retailer in the world. But he is so humble that he still eats lunch with his employees in the company cafe and is usually found sharing a table with company designers, fabric experts and buyers. His real-time fortune is worth $75.4bn.

Mark Zuckerberg

We all know that Zuckerberg first launched Facebook from his dormitory at Harvard University. But did you everwonder why Facebook has that all-blue colour scheme? It’s because Zuckerberg suffers from red-green colourblindness! He confirmed in an interview how blue is the “richest” color he can see. His real-time wealth is $74.5bn.

Thai Lee

Thai-born Korean American billionaire, Lee is one of America’s richest self-made women in technology. Despite a wealth of $1.6bn, Lee is so modest that she reportedly manages her own calendar, books her own travel and does her own filing.

Carlos Slim Helu

While attending a business conference few years ago, the Mexican businessman and investor had proposed the idea of an 11-hour per day, 33-hour work week. He believes that a three-day work week would improve quality of life. His real-time fortune is worth $64.8bn.




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