Home London News 10 facts you didn't know about the television

10 facts you didn't know about the television

21st Nov 16 11:16 am

Do you know these facts about the television?

In case you didn’t know… It’s World Television Day! So, I thought I’d take the opportunity to find you 10 interesting facts about the beloved TV.

1. In 1926, J.L. Baird unveiled the first television, which had only 30 lines and gave a coarse image. Currently the digital signal of the TVs sends pictures with 1080 lines. Hence why it’s 1080p for HD.

2. In 1987, a man hijacked a television station during an episode of Dr. Who and wore a mask and then proceeded to utter nonsense, and he still hasn’t been caught.

3. Product placement is illegal on Norwegian television.

4. The 1960s brought great expansion of the television. First TV satellite was launched in 1962 and in 1969 over 600m people watched moon landings live from their homes.

5. The word “Television” was coined in 1900 by Russian scientist Constantin Perskyi.

6. Back in 2004, the number of television sets in the UK overtook the number of people.

7. Until 1987, there were no television broadcasts in Iceland on Thursdays.

8. The first black and white transmission was created by the famous German inventor Paul Nipkow’s electric telescope in 1884.

9. The first TV remote control was created in 1950 by Zenith, and was connected to a television by a wire. It wasn’t until 1955 that the wireless TV remote was born.

10. The UK aired the first colour pictures on BBC Two during Wimbledon in 1967. A year later, almost every programme on the channel was made in colour. Six months after that, colour TV hit BBC One, and by 1969 both the BBC and ITV were regularly broadcasting in colour.

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