Home Business NewsBusiness Would you choose 66,000 cups of coffee or Netflix for 900 days?

Would you choose 66,000 cups of coffee or Netflix for 900 days?

26th Apr 17 2:51 pm

Which one would you chose?

From making tea to watching a film, Gocompare.com Energy has revealed what the average UK home’s electricity usage equates to in daily tasks to highlight what household appliances are consuming the most energy.

  • New research reveals what annual electricity usage equates to in everyday tasks
  • Average UK household uses enough energy to boil the kettle 31,000 times a year
  • Watching 10,850 movies is equivalent to an entire year’s worth of household electricity use

Based on medium electricity usage figures of 3,100kWh per year from Ofgem, Gocompare.com Energy can reveal that an annual electricity bill is the same as:

Task/Item2 How Much?
Leaving the light on (40 Watt) 8.8 Years
Office coffee Machine 66,420 Coffees
Ironing 47 days
Vacuuming 90 Days
Cooking a roast dinner 7,471 Roast dinners
Power shower (30 mins) 678 Showers
A 40-degree bath 338 Baths
Boiling a full kettle 31,000 Kettles
Microwave meals 37,200 Microwave Meals
Watching a movie 10,850 Movies

By looking at these electrical items that we use on a daily basis, it becomes clear just how energy-hungry some things are.

It’s great news for those of us who love to spend a weekend on the sofa engrossed in a new box set; you could watch more than 10,000 movies and still have some energy left for a microwave meal.

If you’re a little bit of a clean freak then you may want to restrict your habits in order to save some energy, with a year’s supply of electricity you could vacuum constantly for only 90 days and iron for 47 days. Therefore, it’s likely that these appliances are a huge contributor to your monthly bill if you do use them very frequently.

The research also shows that us cuppa-loving Brits would have to boil a staggering 31,000 kettles to fulfil the same our entire annual energy usage. However, if the 100+ brews a day are still too few for you, you can be sure to make the most of the office coffee machine. It would take 66,000 machine coffees to fill our energy quota for the year.

Ben Wilson, spokesman for Gocompare.com Energy said: “We know these figures are a little tongue-in-cheek, but it highlights what many of us may not realise how much the seemingly small things we do around the house can an impact our bills. Yet, when you add them all up, it’s quite eye-opening.

“We’d recommend that people install smart meters in their homes where possible, just to keep a track of their daily usage, as well as remembering to turn off appliances and gadgets when not in-use. That extra energy you’re saving could all contribute to reducing your bills and preserve the planet for a little longer.”

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