Home Business NewsBusiness Woman from the UK mistaken as “wrong Ivanka” in Trump tweet

Woman from the UK mistaken as “wrong Ivanka” in Trump tweet

17th Jan 17 12:42 pm

Take a look at this…

A woman from the UK was mistaken for Ivanka Trump on Twitter by President-elect Donald Trump.

Ivanka Majic, a digital consultant, said she and her husband were woken by the media at 6:00am.

They let her know she was featured in one of Donald Trump’s tweets.

At the time, Donald Trump was quoting praise for his daughter from another user on Twitter, who had used the wrong username.

Majic told the BBC: “I came downstairs to check my phone and I had so many notifications,”

“It’s very unusual to be speaking to both ITV and the BBC 45 minutes into your day.”

Majic’s username is @Ivanka, whilst Ivanka Trumps is @IvankaTrump.

She also said she has often been mistaken for Ivanka Trump in the past.

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