Home Business NewsBusiness Witnesses describe chilling moments Nice truck driver tried to mow down people

Witnesses describe chilling moments Nice truck driver tried to mow down people

15th Jul 16 12:04 pm

Disturbing details emerge

Nice attacks

Witnesses have described the horrific scenes at yesterday’s Nice attacks which saw over 80 killed.

Nader el Shafei told the BBC: “I kept yelling at him, waving with my hands to stop and trying to tell him that there is a lot people under his truck – dead already. But he did not give any attention to anyone outside the truck.

“And suddenly I saw him picking up something like a cellphone. I thought he would call the ambulance for the accident but it seemed that I was wrong, because he just picked up his gun and he started to shoot the police.

“Just when they (the police) arrived they just felt something was wrong so they kept yelling at him and when he did not step out – they saw him from the window taking his gun out.

“They knew that would be a gun shooting so they just killed him right away – they did not wait to negotiate or something, they just opened fire on him.”

Another eyewitness Amina Ivleva described the screams of children struck in the attacks.

She said: “I will never forget the frightened eyes of a woman or the wild screams of children and the sound of bullets.”

She added: “I was about 10 metres away and these images will stay with me until the end of my life. I released my mother’s hand and lost sight of her.

“I will never again go out into a crowd like that. I will just sit at home and be haunted by this.

“You run and you do not understand what to do, looking back you see bloody bodies.”

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