Home Business Insights & Advice Why you should choose metal adhesives for metal-to-metal bonding

Why you should choose metal adhesives for metal-to-metal bonding

by Sponsored Content
19th Jan 21 5:10 pm

Adhesive bonding is becoming more popular by the day. We live in a time when we can’t avoid coming across metal; from home appliances to decorative objects, metal is all around us.  When welding is not applicable, the best option for joining two or more metal pieces is using strong adhesive glue.

The most cost-efficient method to fix your bike, repair a picture frame, or improve your jewelry, is through metal adhesive use. Most metal adhesives create a chemical bond that is vital when joining metal to metal. Compared to fasteners, which tend to loosen or corrode with time, metal adhesives are cheaper and hide corrosion.

Adhesive bonding vs. welding

In some cases, dense surface metal makes it harder to glue together when welding is more applicable. Welding is a process that involves heat and is used when joining together pieces of metal with similar melting points. Some of the challenges of using welding as an option of binding two pieces of metal together include:

  1. Welding requires professional knowledge.
  2. A lot of clean-up is required after use.
  3. Impossible to weld materials that are not similar.
  4. It strips away the galvanized coating.
  5. It requires a lot of surface prep.
  6. Hard to weld thin materials.

For these reasons, adhesive bonding is the most preferred option because it overcomes most of these challenges. Adhesive bonding does not cause cracking of surfaces, it does not damage the galvanized surfaces, and it is useful with different objects.

Tips on how to use metal adhesives

Now that we understand why welding is not the best option for joining two metal pieces together, here are some tips on successfully using metal to metal adhesives.

Select the right adhesive

If you plan to glue together metal pieces for structural support, a strong adhesive glue would be the best option. Using the right metal adhesive is vital to ensure that the bond is as firm as possible.

Clean the surface

Before applying the adhesive, make sure to clean the surface thoroughly and let it dry out. Cleaning out the body ensures that any dirt, grease, or oil is eliminated to form a solid bond with the metal adhesive.

Create a grip

It is crucial to create a firm grip on the metals’ surface to ensure that it has something to grip. A firm grip can be achieved by rubbing through with sandpaper to provide a rough surface.

Follow the instructions

Not all adhesives are the same, some require a longer time to dry, and some bonds need to be mixed with other elements before you can use them. When it comes to applying the adhesive, the right application is essential as too much glue can cause both sides of the metal to pop open. Therefore, it is vital to read through the given instructions and follow them to achieve a successful bond.

Apply pressure

When it comes to metal adhesives, putting some pressure is necessary to ensure that you achieve a firm bond. Metal to metal bonds is unlike paper bonds, which tend to require less force to bind together. A substantial amount of pressure is needed to force the adhesive to the preferred metal.

Also, make sure to wait as long as possible so that the adhesive can have a longer time to dry off.

There are many advantages of using adhesives as a method of boding metal pieces. There exist different types of metals. Therefore metal properties determine the adhesive glue type that is being used. Other than industrial fixes, metal glues are useful for small DIY spots around the house. They are easy to apply and dry up in a matter of seconds. Metal glues are suitable for jewelry, vases, door handles, handrails, and table legs.

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