Home Business NewsPolitics News Why do campaigners want Boris Johnson to be sacked?

Why do campaigners want Boris Johnson to be sacked?

by LLB Editor
5th May 15 11:23 am

Everything you need to know about the #SackBoris campaign

Campaigners are calling for Boris Johnson to be sacked. Why? Because he’s trying to become an MP while already being the mayor of London.

Johnson is eyeing up the Conservative Seat in Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

According to the #SackBoris campaign, which currently has over 600 signatures, this is illegal.

Protestors argue that Boris cannot legally become an MP while also being boss of the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).

Under section 67 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 (PRSRA), a person becomes disqualified from being a police and crime commissioner (PCC) upon being elected into the House of Commons.

On a petition, protestors said: “He should either stand down as Mayor of London immediately or withdraw his application as a Prospective Parliamentary Candidate.”

Boris’ predecessor Ken Livingstone was MP for Brent East while being the mayor of London.

The campaigners have filed a formal report to the electoral commissioner claiming that the “Mayor of London has an unfair and improper advantage over other candidates”.

They claim: “He has the full resource of his Mayoral Office to ensure that his control of the media is unfairly biased in his favour.”


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