Home Business NewsPolitics News Who snubbed a £1,000 donation from Tony Blair?

Who snubbed a £1,000 donation from Tony Blair?

9th Mar 15 11:20 am

Former PM’s gift is shunned

Tony Blair is reportedly giving £1,000 to 106 Labour candidates who are standing for election in May.

But one Scottish candidate decided to snub the former prime minister’s offer.

Councillor Lesley Brennan, who is hoping to take the Dundee East seat, tweeted that her “instinct” told her not to accept the money.


Brennan was generally praised for the move, with Twitter users admiring her “principles”, “self-respect” and “dignity”.

In a letter to the candidates, Blair said: “As the final countdown to the general election begins, I am writing to wish you every success in your efforts to be elected and also to make a donation to your campaign.

“I know how hard it can be to raise money to fund a local campaign, but for you, in one of our 106 battleground seats, it is even more vital. This is where the election will be won for Labour and that is why I am making a donation to all 106 campaigns.

“As one of our key seat candidates you know better than most the scale of the challenge we face, but I have every confidence that with your drive, determination and organisational skills, you will deliver a successful local campaign that will also see our party returned to government.

“So, good luck and here’s to a Labour victory on May 7.”

Despite Brennan’s snub, a Scottish Labour spokesman told the media it wasn’t hers to turn down, adding the money will be put to use elsewhere.

“This money is payable to the Labour Party and we look forward to receiving it and using it to campaign against the return of a Tory government,” he said.

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