Home Business Insights & Advice What will be 2021: The main trends in digital marketing

What will be 2021: The main trends in digital marketing

by Sponsored Content
1st Jun 21 3:09 pm

Nowadays to stay on the top among the competitors in any industry, you have to make a detailed marketing strategy which will certainly help you to constantly develop the product. The main purpose of this strategy is to engage the customers in your business, present your brand in the best way, and increase its awareness according to the latest trends and preferences to the final consumer. 

That is why the principle of “Focusing on the right message for the right people at the right time” by market expert Russell Glass is the priority task for any business. To complete this task successfully, we have prepared the best tips valuable for you while building your own digital marketing strategy in 2021.

1. Apply AI in your marketing

Today, AI technology is gradually becoming an irregular part of modern life. In fact, there are lots of benefits for its application, such as analysing customer data, deep communication, and customers’ better engagement, etc. It is also a great tool for making predictions based on people’s behaviour and completing complex tasks thus reducing the workloads and saving the investments. 

The specialist from Essay Tigers said that according to the latest data, over 50% of marketers have already applied AI to their strategy. For instance, you might see the ads matching the recent results you have searched on the Internet. In the next year, AI technology applying is expected to grow by about 40%. 

2. Develop search engine optimisation

So far SEO has already become the popular tool used in digital marketing for widening the audience and making the next step in business development. Thanks to SEO, it became much easier to reach potential consumers by presenting the exact information or product they are looking for. 

As an example, experts recommend focusing on the user experience, keyword searching, and providing the information which answers the request. The user experience boosting is improving the website or business efficiency, and for this purpose, you can structure the information, improve the website usability and navigation, and optimise the website loading so as to minimise the risks to lose the customer. By focusing on the keywords it becomes easy to reach clients and increase the visibility of the website in the searching result. With the semantic search improving you can greatly raise the rank of your website and thus making it more opened for a wide audience.

3. Target user experience 

As all we know, the core idea of any marketing strategy is to find the consumers and retain them. For this purpose, it is greatly useful to analyse your product in their shoes to see all the strong and lack points and make some changes for improving it. By making your platform easy to use and device friendly you can greatly increase the number of customers and turn them into loyal ones. 

In the recent few years we can also observe the tendency of making the app related to the business, so that is why it becomes much easier to retain the customers and encourage them to use your platform. Also, that’s a good idea to take the survey or comment tab so to get the clients’ feedback to discover their preferences and get an additional source of the updating ideas.

4. Include a video to your strategy

Because of the rising popularity of videos on social media, various brands start promoting their products in small videos so as to present the unique features of their products and convince the target audience to make the purchase. Also, the psychology of buying has shown that 60 % of people are more interested in dynamic ads than in static ones, where only the pictures are used. 

Furthermore, watching the video can help customers to get a clear picture of the product so they are more likely to buy it. While creating an efficient video presentation of the product, you should mind not only the product itself but also introduce its benefits and price, also the time when the buyer needs it and the place where this item is sold. If made carefully, the video can retain loyal customers and attract potential ones.  

5. Social media marketing

Needless to say that social media has already become a powerful tool for business making, as it has great communities of people united on a certain platform, which can become the new customers of your business. In 2021 the brands will only increase their investments in social marketing strategies so as to keep the audience engaged in the product development and establish a trustworthy connection between the brand and its consumers. 

In addition, social media is widely used as e-commerce platforms, so it can become not only the source of the audience widening but also the additional platform for selling the products. 

6. Mind the voice search

Voice search is expected to increase its popularity during the next year, which is based on the people’s voice assistants using. The reason for its development is the extended usage of the voice assistants of different search engines, like Siri, Alice, or Alexa, as they can convert your oral request to the text and find the most probable answer for that. 

So far this technology has been applied to many different devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, smart speakers, and by 2021 the marketing experts suggest that up to 70% of all the searching requests will be done with voice search. Consequently, that will lead to the trend for long keywords and informative conversations. 

7. Boost customer retention

It is a well-known fact that it costs more to gain a new customer than to retain one, that is why customer retention is one of the main priorities of any marketing strategy nowadays. As the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly increased the time people spend online, it becomes much easier to lose the client, so that is why a lot of brands tend to invest more in customers’ retention so keep them always engaged in the company developing process and informed with the latest updates. 

Being appreciated, the possibility that the customer will return to make another purchase as well as recommend your platform or product to others is much higher, and can greatly increase the number of your loyal customers. 

8. Create the email list

Another great trend which has been used for the last few years is mailing. By sending the newsletters it is much easier to reach the customer and keep them updated about the new products presented, or offering things they might be interested in based on their purchase behaviour. 

Furthermore, the email personalisation will help you to provide the consumers with the exact information they are expected to get and show their availability for your business. While keeping this feeling in their minds, consumers will form a positive impression about the product and in the future can even become a loyal customer of yours. And it goes without saying that having a loyal customer will lead to the sales return increasing which is the core idea of making any business. 

9. Note the design & content visualisation

Well, talking about the trends in 2021, we have also mentioned the influence of platform design on customer engagement. The visual part of your product is the crucial thing that forms the first impression of your business and forms the appropriate attitude towards it. Using the specific colours, backsides, fonts and visual content will make the platform more memorable and attractive for the visitors. Try to make it neither blank nor overloaded, think over the main message your design represents, and don’t be afraid to make changes, as this is the best way of showing your company growth. 

Also, there are plenty of online business ideas that can bring you some additional ideas on how to improve the existing platform or create the new one as a starting point for your e-commerce. That is why you can always combine the ideas to create an outstanding and competitive product while rather making or improving your marketing strategy. 

Final word

As you see, the digital marketing strategy is the main tool for the business’s successful development and in 2021 it will become even more crucial thing platforms and brands will be mostly targeting. Also, we have discovered that the marketing strategy itself consists of different modern trends mixed together, and targeting the final consumer to widen the audience, get some more loyal customers and increase the sales return. 

Thus, applying the AI and improving your design, creating the email list and boosting customer retention, focusing on search engine optimisation, and involving social media can be useful for you while creating the marketing strategy for your business for 2021. 

We hope that by being aware of these trends, you will be able to make a perfect marketing development plan for your platform and have a positive impact on its visibility, sales return, and audience increasing. Good luck!


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