Home Business Insights & Advice What role does web security play in business growth of the United Kingdom?

What role does web security play in business growth of the United Kingdom?

by Sarah Dunsby
8th Feb 22 11:07 am

With the ever-increasing cyber attack cases in the UK, company owners need to enhance their efforts to protect sensitive data. Many of these attackers target business websites and conduct criminal activities such as identity theft and stealing intellectual property.

Because of that, web security should be a priority in today’s business environment. But what makes web security so important?

In this article, we will look at why companies need to be vigilant about their web security efforts and some essential steps to protect your business against cyber threats.

Reasons why web security is important for business

Implementing web security is to make an effort to protect vital data from cyber criminals and other potential threats that use the internet as their means of attack. Cyber security has become common practice in most companies, considering that the internet is a prominent part of the global business environment.

Businesses that prioritize their website security tend to have a better business reputation and can more easily gain customer trust, leading to better growth. This is because cyber threats can potentially harm customers, especially when a company neglects the importance of cyber security.

Here are three common forms of security risks website owners need to be aware of:

  • Data breach. Without reliable website security, cyber attackers may gain access to sensitive data, such as your customers’ credit card information and phone numbers. Data breaches can cause reputational damage and cost your business a lot of money.
  • Ransomware. A type of malware called ransomware can block access to specific data unless a ransom is paid to the attacker. One of the most popular cases of a ransomware attack is the spread of WannaCry in 2017, which affected numerous businesses worldwide.
  • Social engineering. Cyber attackers may attempt to gain access to your client’s sensitive information using manipulation techniques called social engineering. Some of the most common examples of this include phishing and baiting.

If you run a business website, make sure to choose services that can protect you and your customers from cyber attacks. Reputable hosting providers, including Hostinger, provide multiple security protocols such as SSL certificates and regular software updates.

Protecting your business against cyber attacks

There are numerous methods a business can use to secure its website from hackers. Let’s take a look at five easy ways to keep your data from being compromised.

Backup your data

Even with layers of cyber security measures in place, the risk of cyber attacks still exists. Because of that, it is crucial to have a plan B in case you fall victim to a data breach. One of the best methods is by regularly creating backups of your data.

Some cyber attacks may lock or delete files from computer systems, which can stop your business activities entirely. Having an up-to-date backup makes it possible to recover files immediately, even after a severe data breach.

The best approach to backup your data is to store it in a separate location from your regular business operations, like cloud storage. Some popular cloud storage services include Google Workspace, Microsoft One Drive, and Dropbox.

Use additional authentication steps

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of adding additional protection to the sign-in process of your online accounts. For example, users must authenticate their login attempts with other tools, such as a unique code via an authenticator app on a mobile device.

As of May 2020, around 70% of UK businesses use MFA to keep their essential information safe. This method can be effective for any kind of business, from a large eCommerce site to a small business with a simple one-page website.

Consider making MFA a requirement for your employees’ and clients’ accounts. Install tools like Google Authenticator and Authy 2FA on the company’s devices. We recommend using plugins like Duo Two-Factor Authentication to enhance security if you run a WordPress site.

Educate yourself and your employees

According to the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), around 90% of data breaches are caused by human error. That’s because hackers have more opportunities to breach your system if your employees don’t have enough knowledge about cyber security.

The increase of cyber security awareness allows your company to avoid the most common vulnerabilities. Everyone in the organization should know how to identify a potential cyber attack and the best way to handle it.

Consider giving regular cyber security training to your employees and establish clear and strict policies on using the company’s devices. Make sure that protecting the business and customer data is the standard practiced by everyone in the company.

Use strong passwords

One of the most common methods hackers use to breach a system is a brute-force attack. In this method, the attacker works through numerous possible passwords using software to forcefully gain access to an account.

Even though this is considered an old hacking method, it is still fairly popular among cyber criminals. Because of that, it is important to incorporate strong passwords to protect your business website and the valuable data within it.

To create a good password, the best practice is to make it long, unique, and complex. Combine capital letters, numbers, and special characters in your password to make it harder to crack. It is also recommended to change passwords immediately if you notice a potential attack on your accounts.

Since remembering numerous unique and lengthy passwords can be difficult, consider using a password management tool that can save or even generate a good password for you. Some of the most popular password management tools include 1Password, LastPass, and Bitwarden.

Install antimalware

Malware is one of the most prominent threats that can infect systems throughout networks and physical devices. In 2020, around 300,000 new pieces of malware were created every day.

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Most of the time, malware can go unnoticed unless you install antivirus software on your device. The antimalware will scan your system regularly and block or remove files that operate suspiciously. Some of them may also give you suggestions to further maintain system security.

Keep in mind that antimalware needs to be updated regularly to perform best. New security patches typically update the antimalware database, which allows it to detect new virus variants.


Web security plays a vital role in today’s global business environment, including the United Kingdom. With the constant risk of getting exposed to cyber attacks, UK businesses should raise their awareness regarding this matter.

In this article, we looked at why web security is important for all businesses. We also learned about five easy ways to protect your business data from cyber attacks, including:

  • Backup your data
  • Use additional authentication steps
  • Educate everyone in the company
  • Use strong passwords
  • Install antimalware

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand why web security is important for business growth. Don’t risk your business getting hacked, and take the necessary measures as soon as possible.

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