Home Lifestyle NewsArt & Culture News We now spend more time using technology than sleeping – OfCom

We now spend more time using technology than sleeping – OfCom

7th Aug 14 9:04 am

More than half our waking hours are now spent listening to and/or staring at the screen of a digital device, according to new research from OfCom.

The average Brit spends some eight hours and 41 minutes a day interacting with a digital device, such as a smartphone, PC, TV, tablet or radio.

That’s some 20 minutes more than the eight hours 21 minutes we spend sleeping each night.

Six in 10 Brits (61%) are using a smartphone, the survey of 2,800 UK adults and children found.

We spend nearly four hours per day watching TV, which is more than the time spent on phones and the internet put together.

That said, this is the first time since 2010 that TV-watching hours have dipped below four hours (to three hours 52 minutes).

The research notes that consuming media and communicating actually takes up a total of 11 hours and seven minutes, but because we use multiple digital devices at the same time, it works out as only eight hours and 41 minutes a day.

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