Home Business NewsTech News Watch this amazing video of Google's 6-foot, 300-pound robot running through a forest

Watch this amazing video of Google's 6-foot, 300-pound robot running through a forest

by LLB Editor
18th Aug 15 11:51 am

Google has just revealed a video of its 6.2 foot robot running through a forest.

Made by Boston Dynamics, the robotics company Google bought in 2013, the robot is called Atlas and weighs a whopping 330lb.

The video unveiled by Google recently shows Atlas walking and running in a forest.

Atlas has been fit with 28 joints to copy human actions.

According to Boston Dynamics, Atlas is “high mobility, humanoid robot designed to negotiate outdoor, rough terrain.

“Atlas can walk bipedally leaving the upper limbs free to lift, carry, and manipulate the environment.

“In extremely challenging terrain, Atlas is strong and coordinated enough to climb using hands and feet, to pick its way through congested spaces.”

Take a look at this video


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