Home Business NewsBusiness Watch out: Giant asteroid to nearly touch Earth today

Watch out: Giant asteroid to nearly touch Earth today

19th Apr 17 7:55 am

Scientists have said

An asteroid, more than 400 meters wide, is set to nearly touch the Earth today, Nasa scientists have said.

The asteroid will zoom by at a distance of just over a million miles (1.8m km). However, there will be no chance of impact.

“We know the time that the object is going to be closest within seconds, and the distance is known within hundreds of kilometres (miles),” Davide Farnocchia, a mathematician at Nasa’s Near-Earth Object program, told Reuters on Tuesday.

The asteroid is believed to be twice as reflective as the Moon but it won’t be visible to the naked eye.

However, if you have telescopes you might be able to view it today.

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