Home Brexit Watch: Chaos in parliament as MPs stage protest over suspension

Watch: Chaos in parliament as MPs stage protest over suspension

by LLB Reporter
10th Sep 19 9:37 am

Parliament has now been officially suspended for five weeks until the 14 October.

The prime minister was defeated in the House of Commons for the second time in his attempt to call a snap election in October.

The prorogation started at around 1:30am when the Black Rod, Sarah Clarke, the senior House of Lords officer entered the Commons who was tasked with leading the ceremony requesting that MPs vacate the Commons and visit the Lords.

Late last night unprecedented scenes were witnessed in the Commons as some MPs staged a protest against the proroguing of parliament. The Labour protestors were shouting “shame on you” whilst holding signs saying “silenced” when MPs left the Commons.

Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP appeared to be holding on to the Speaker of the House when he was requested to lead MPs to the House of Lords.

Bercow said of the protest before heading to the Lords. “I recognise that our presence is desired by our Majesty the Queen’s Commissioners. They are doing what they believe to be right and I recognise my role in this matter.

“I’m perfectly happy to play my part, but I do want to make the point that this is not a standard or normal prorogation.”

He added, “It’s one of the longest for decades and it represents an act of executive fiat.”

Andrew Stephenson, Tory MP shouted at Bercow and then left the chamber. Bercow said in response, “I don’t care if you don’t like it. I require no response from you young man.

“I require no response from you. Get out man, you will not be missed.”

Labour MPs then started sing the Red Flag of Jerusalem and the SNP MPs sang the Scottish Wha Hae and the Flower of Scotland. Plaid Cymru and Welsh Labour sang Bread of Heaven.

Plaid Cymru and Welsh Labour sang Bread of Heaven.

When the Speaker returned back to the Commons he said, “I feel much more at home here.”

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