Home Business News Vladimir Putin asks North Korea for help with Ukraine and he is told ‘you are too insane for us’

Vladimir Putin asks North Korea for help with Ukraine and he is told ‘you are too insane for us’

by LLB political Reporter
15th Mar 22 11:48 am

A desperate Vladimir Putin has asked North Korea for help only to be told by Kim Jong-un, no “you are too insane for us” a source said.

Putin is losing troops and military hardware at a very fast pace which has forced him to  ask for help from his allies.

North Korea have historical ties with Russia and according to Sarah Hurst, Author of XSoviet-News, President Jong-un was quick to deny Putin anf help.

Hurst said, “Russia reportedly asked North Korea for help with its failing invasion.

“North Korea responded, ‘You are too insane for us’.” This has not been verified by any other sources thus far.

Over the weekend a third Russian General was killed in action which shows something is “going very badly wrong” for Putin and his army.

Air Marshal Edward Stringer told Sky News, “Major Generals don’t normally get that close to the front.

“If they do, something is going very badly wrong.

“I think…it’s showing that Russia’s military is stretched to its elastic limit in Ukraine and to try and salvage something from this, the generals are at the front essentially whipping the troops for one last effort.

“If you’ve lost three generals and you’re claiming you’ve only lost about 500 troops, something does not add up, and it suggests things are not going well militarily.”

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