Home Business News Violence set to erupt as far-right groups to ‘defend’ London’s statues this weekend

Violence set to erupt as far-right groups to ‘defend’ London’s statues this weekend

by LLB Reporter
10th Jun 20 2:51 pm

The Metropolitan Police fear there will more violence this weekend as far right groups are set to confront anti-racism activists this weekend.

The Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) have called on all their members to “defend” London statues and war memorials to protect “our heritage.”

Black Lives Matter have published a list of 60 “racist statues” that they want to be removed, but DFLA leaders are urging their 1,000 plus supporters to “defend what our war heroes done for this country and their honour.”

It is expected that hundreds will meet at the Winston Churchill memorial whilst hundreds of others with gather at parts of Whitehall.

A statement posted on the Official DFLA Facebook page says, “We have had hundreds of messages in the last few days of people wanting to join us in protecting our heritage.”

Adding, “The DFLA are asking all our members to meet in Whitehall on Saturday 13 June at midday to protect our war memorials.

“This is not a march nor is it a counter-protest against Black Lives Matter.

“We will be making sure the war memorials don’t get desecrated.

“Enough is enough. It’s time to defend what our war heroes done for this country and their honour.

“This is not a counter protest against Black Lives Matter this a protection mission.”

Tommy Robinson has called for counter protests as he accused the police of being “soft handed” at the protests last weekend.

It is expected that many far-right groups, such as the English Defence League (EDL) will also attend Whitehall on Saturday, who at one point had almost 200,000 members on their Facebook page.

Hope Not Hate chief executive Nick Lowles said, “their real objective” is simply violence.

Many football hooligan groups are also planning demonstrations, fans from Cardiff, Blackpool and Millwall have warned they will use force to prevent vandalism.

Metropolitan Police Federation chairman Ken Marsh said, “We have got the perfect storm ahead of us this weekend, we have got planned protests and now Tommy Robinson and his agitators.”

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