Home Business NewsBusiness Vince Cable launches the Business & Entrepreneurs Network

Vince Cable launches the Business & Entrepreneurs Network

7th Dec 17 8:44 am

Providing focus at a time of paralysing economic uncertainty

The Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable has launched a Liberal Democrat Business & Entrepreneurs Network (LDBN) at CodeNode in the City this morning, galvanising the community in the midst of the shambles that is the government’s handling of Brexit. 

The network includes senior figures in the business community and aims to give business a voice, as growth figures continue to reveal economic decline.  

Vince Cable said: “Under my leadership, I will ensure the Liberal Democrats are a strong voice for business and economic common sense.

“We will provide a sound and sensible plan to protect the financial sector and the jobs and tax revenue it provides.

“Labour under Corbyn are intent on bashing business and the banks, while the Tories are pursuing a damaging hard Brexit that will do permanent damage to our economy.

“We will provide a natural home for businesses and entrepreneurs.

“I want to see Britain staying at the heart of the single market, while pursuing ambitious reforms at home that will support businesses and boost growth.”

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