Home Business NewsBusiness UK’s businesses are at risk of huge financial penalties when GDPR comes into effect

UK’s businesses are at risk of huge financial penalties when GDPR comes into effect

10th Jul 17 10:31 am

New research shows

New research from Sharp, released today, reveals that a large number of the UK’s businesses are at risk of huge financial penalties when GDPR comes into effect in May 2018, due to their employees knowingly ignoring company policies on confidential data:

  • 1 in 12 office workers have access to data they shouldn’t
  • 1 in 4 admit storing data in public cloud despite being told not to
  • 31 per cent take work home despite being told not to

Stuart Sykes, Managing Director at Sharp Business Systems, said; “It is up to businesses to find the right balance between modern ways of working and secure data sharing. When you also consider that 75 per cent of the workforce is now mobile and 81 per cent of employees access work documents on the go, businesses need to do more to keep up with their workers.”

Security and privacy expert Dr Karen Renaud said that the results showed a need for businesses to provide better support for employees: “As long as businesses continue to require or implicitly overlook insecure behaviours, security will always be sacrificed.”

Risks were not limited to digital information; two thirds of workers (59 per cent) reported that colleagues leave printed pages in the printer tray, significantly increasing the chances of documents being seen by the wrong person in the office.

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