Home Business Insights & Advice Ukrainian women in FinTech: Three stories you should hear about

Ukrainian women in FinTech: Three stories you should hear about

by Sponsored Content
9th Sep 20 3:37 pm

Ukrainian women have always been strong and tough. Dating women from Ukraine can be quite a challenge, though a pretty enjoyable one. Ukrainian women are always ready to work hard to achieve their goals and make their dream come true. One of those examples are women who work in FinTech. There are numerous examples of ladies who did not only start their own businesses in this industry but also made a mark in the world of banking and influenced it a lot.

Three stories of wonderful women in FinTech

Get ready: these stories will amaze you. Ukrainian women are capable of impossible things, believe us! Their biographies are truly inspiring. Here, you can read more of their stories of success and how they achieve it:

Alyona Degrik

Alyona is another lady that has achieved a lot at such a young age. She is a founder of LeoGaming, the company that works with payment processing and finding the best payment solutions for different businesses. LeoGaming is working on finding the best approach to different businesses and finding the right solutions for the market today.

LeoGaming has been named a leader in this niche multiple times. Payment chatbot LeoBot, developed by this company, has been awarded a few times.

Inna Tyutyun

Inna has experience of working in the banking industry for over 20 years, and nowadays, she is a deputy chairman at Ukrgasbank. She has also been working in the National Bank of Ukraine before starting her career at Ukrgasbank. It has been one of the biggest banks in Ukraine for over 5 years and remains one of the industry leaders as of today.

Inna Tyutyun is an advocate for more traditional products in banking, such as mortgage lending. Despite that, she has got a few innovative ideas on how to improve the banking system that she promotes at different conferences cand successfully implements them in real life as well.

Victoria Tigipko

She is a founder and a managing partner of TA Ventures, which venture fund. Its main focus is investments in technology and software, as well as health care and communications.

TA Ventures also aids startups in their early stages. When a company supports other businesses and interesting Startups, you just know that this company is ruled by a great person! TA Ventures has funded over 110 companies, and what is more, this company has been working on creating the research centers in Ukraine and the whole of Europe.

Victoria Tigipko has been rewarded and recognized for her work many times. She has not only worked hard to create TA Ventures but also aided in the making of the TA Labs, which assist other companies with research and development. She is interested in investing in the Ukrainian business of any size.

Ukrainian women are ready to inspire!

Of course, there are many nations across the globe, and every one is unique. Ukrainians are the wholehearted people who are capable of inspiring everyone who learns even a bit of their story. Of course, there will always be complications on the path of someone who strives to achieve success, and Ukrainian women are not an exception. Still, their stories are one of the biggest sources of inspiration. These ladies do their best to help people and build outstanding businesses that will not only employ more people who are looking for a job but will also provide the world with authentic ideas and motivation to keep working on your dreams. Continue reading some great stories of Ukrainian women to get inspired!

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