Home Business News UK records almost 4,000 cases in 24 hours with 20 deaths

UK records almost 4,000 cases in 24 hours with 20 deaths

by LLB political Reporter
16th Sep 20 4:44 pm

According to government figures, the UK has recorded a whopping 3,991 new coronavirus cases in 24-hours on Wednesday.

There were 20 deaths of people confirmed to have had coronavirus and on Tuesday the UK recorded 3,105 cases.

Hospital admissions have hit their highest levels for more than two months as official figures show that 901 patients are currently in hospital, whilst on Tuesday there was 866.

This is the highest number since 28 July when there was just 868 and  there are currently 115 people on ventilators.

It has been revealed by a senior Whitehall source that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is planning tougher new restrictions within weeks, if the rule of six fails.

It is understood that government officials are looking at ways to prevent the virus from getting out of control, as Johnson has ruled out a second lockdown.

However, if coronavirus does spiral out of control it is understood that the Prime Minister will introduce a lockdown “by the back door.”

A senior Whitehall source told the Mirror, “Boris Johnson is so paranoid about announcing a second national lockdown that he’ll just bring in one by the back door.”

On Wednesday, a Public Health Chief signalled that London “could introduce curfews to prevent a second coronavirus wave.”

Professor Kevin Fenton, London director of Public Health England has appealed to Londoners to “pull together” otherwise more restrictions could be imposed across the capital.

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