Home Business NewsBusiness UK doctors join forces with health technology communicators to extend digital advances for UK

UK doctors join forces with health technology communicators to extend digital advances for UK

31st Mar 17 1:07 pm

Here’s the plan

Global efforts to enhance clinical engagement and accelerate the impact of digital technology in improving patient care, will be boosted by a new bilateral relationship between two organisations dedicated to supporting effective digital uptake in healthcare.

AbedGraham, an exclusively clinically based health IT consultancy, and healthcare technology PR and marketing communications provider Highland Marketing, have formed a partnership to combine important skill-sets now needed to support the large-scale adoption of technology, and to effectively communicate the impact of digital health at a time of rising pressures.

The partnership will combine clinical, operational and policy based consultancy with proven PR, digital communications, marketing and sales acceleration skills and services. This will support organisations ranging from technology giants through to innovative small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), in unlocking funding and accelerating their technologies across healthcare markets.

Expertise will also be available to organisations in tackling emerging information governance and cyber security threats in healthcare. 

Dr Saif Abed, a founding partner at AbedGraham, who was an NHS doctor prior to serving as a medical director and clinical safety officer for several large technology companies, said: “There is now unprecedented recognition for the role clinicians can and must play in ensuring healthcare has a sustainable digital future. We have partnered with Highland Marketing to ensure that technology suppliers communicate their successes effectively, by addressing important issues such as improving clinical outcomes, creating value for money and aligning with transformation initiatives at home, in the NHS and across the globe.”

Mark Venables, CEO of Highland Marketing, said: “Partnering with AbedGraham expands our team’s expertise to new clinical areas, allowing us to provide clients with an important perspective and understanding of healthcare policy, cyber security and clinical safety. This will help to ensure their technologies are aligned to market and customer needs, and builds on our extensive network of seasoned marketers, PR experts, ex-journalists and former NHS personnel, who all share a strong belief in technology playing a central role in transforming health services. We want to see every healthcare provider benefit from advancements in digital innovation – whether that comes through SMEs and funded start-ups, or large scale global providers.” 

The combined offering is now being made available to organisations at the forefront of delivering innovation in healthcare, including the partners’ existing clients. 

AbedGraham has worked with international technology companies including Microsoft, Imprivata, Citrix, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hyland Software and Nuance Communications, providing clinically led strategic and operational advisory services. Its founders are accredited by NHS Digital to provide clinical risk management advice, and the company also currently operates in Ireland providing advisory services for healthcare providers.

Highland Marketing, supports a significant number of healthcare and technology suppliers, ranging from innovative SMEs through to large scale multinational software, technology and services vendors, providing them with a means to effectively communicate their innovations to the healthcare market. Its work includes the creation and delivery of high impact communications campaigns, utilising a full range of channels and extensive media relations to share stories of how technology is making a meaningful difference to care.

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