Home Breaking UK could gain control of fisheries if they give back Elgin Marbles

UK could gain control of fisheries if they give back Elgin Marbles

by LLB Politics Reporter
19th Feb 20 3:59 pm

Brexit trade negotiations could end up with a “win win situation” if the Elgin Marbles are returned to Greece, leaked documents from Brussels reveal.

Geoffrey Robertson QC who previously advised the Greek government over the Elgin Marbles has claimed this historic issue can easily be resolved.

The UK government could easily negotiate a Brexit trade deal to give back the Elgin Marbles, if Brussels agrees to the UK getting their full fishing rights back.

Robertson QC said, “It could be a win-win situation, you know? We could get our fishing rights in full and we can give them back the Marbles that was bought as stolen property.

“We could get a reduction and they pay a few billions for it.

“But frankly, this is a very important issue because the Marbles are in fact a running 600ft freeze of citizens celebrating the first democracy in 440BC.

“And they were stolen, Elgin was the British Ambassador, a very wealthy man, and he could have offered to pay for them.

“Why didn’t he? Because the Turks were in occupation and they were rigorous in stopping the desecration of temples so they would have turned him down.”A leaked draft of Brussels’ negotiation mandate had, according to reports the leaked draft of Brussels negotiating mandate, included a stipulation that the UK should “return unlawfully removed cultural objects to their countries of origin.”

Trade talks start next month, a government spokeswoman has ruled out any prospect of discussing re-homing the sculptures.

A spokeswoman said, “The EU are still finalising their mandate, this is currently in draft.

“The UK’s position on the Parthenon sculptures remains unchanged, they are legal responsibility of the British Museum.

“That is not up for discussion as part of our trade negotiations.”

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