Home Business NewsBusiness UK banks made nearly £10 billion from current account charges in 2017

UK banks made nearly £10 billion from current account charges in 2017

5th Feb 18 9:41 am

Average UK current account holder charged £152 last year in overdraft, FX, transaction and other fees

Analysis of over 11,000 UK personal current accounts (PCA) has revealed that the average holder was charged £152 in bank fees last year which, if incurred by every one of the 65 million active current accounts in the UK, suggests banks made £9.9 billion from charges in 2017.

The data, collated by Plum, the automated money management chatbot, coincides with launch of its Fee Fighters function, a free tool that enables users to check in exactly what fees they are being charged by their banks. This functionality is made possible due to the implementation of Open Banking, which aims to encourage fair competition and comparison. The European-wide regulation orders banks and credit card companies to share a customer’s data with other regulated companies if requested to do so by a customer, removing the banks monopoly on customer data.

The average £152 paid per year by current account holders includes overdrafts, foreign exchange, and transactions fees, as well other unspecified fees, such as monthly account charges. This £152 average rises significantly when considering personal current accounts with an overdraft function. In this case, total bank charges were closer to £221 per current account holder with those that have at least 1 overdraft transaction per year. 

In terms of what charges were applied by the banks, 56 per cent were due to overdrafts, both from planned and unplanned usage. Foreign exchange fees accounted for 11 per cent of the total charges, while late transaction fees made up 6 per cent. Over a quarter, however, (27 per cent) of the total charges were classed as “other” which included monthly account fee, unspecified bank fees, or bank subscriptions. Some of these charges can be fairly high, with an average of £5-£10 charged per bounced back transaction it is not uncommon for users to accumulate these charges without realising it, getting charges up to £75 in “Unpaid Transaction Fee”.

To help consumers be alerted to and understand the culprits of the charges, Plum has developed a free Fee Fighter tool, first of its kind that alerts users to fees. With the implementation of Open Banking, in the coming months Plum hopes to go beyond raising awareness about hidden fees and provide solutions, helping users to identify smarter deals and more cost effective products with alternative providers bespoke to their financial requirements. The tool uses TrueLayer, a secure FCA authorised service, to gain read-only access to a user’s bank account, Plums AI then processes the description of each bank transaction understanding what type of a fee it is and allocates it to a specified category. When banks hide fees in the description of the transaction rather than listing it as a separate line in the bank statement, Plum extracts the fee from the description itself.

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