Home London News Transport workers on 24-hour strike today over pay and pensions

Transport workers on 24-hour strike today over pay and pensions

by LLB Editor
9th May 14 11:23 am

Transport for London (TfL) staff from unions RMT, TSSA and Unite are striking today over a pay and pensions dispute. However, no disruption to Tube services has been reported yet according to TfL’s website, as of Friday morning.

But members have been instructed not to book any shifts between 6am Friday 9 May and 5.59am Saturday 10 May.

The unions are protesting TfL’s plans to impose “Pay for Performance” proposals that would lead to job cuts and pay freezes.

RMT acting general secretary Mick Cash said: “The attack on TfL pay and pensions has to be seen in the wider context of government austerity cuts to TfL’s funding and once again it is the staff who are being lined up to take a hit that would not only whack them in the pocket now but would condemn them to lives of poverty in retirement.

“Although RMT and the other unions have continued to meet with the company demanding a decent pay offer and full pensionable pay for all TfL employees they have point blank refused to back away from their aggressive plans to attack wages and pensions across the board. Their current proposal is nothing less than a concerted attack on the future of the TfL Pensions Fund which affects all its members regardless of grade. 

“TfL should be in no doubt of about our members determination to defend pay and pensions and they should listening to our case, withdrawing the current plans and talking seriously about pay and pensions plans that protect and enhance the living standards of TfL staff members.”

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