Home Business News TPR sets bold new ambitions for equality, diversity and inclusion

TPR sets bold new ambitions for equality, diversity and inclusion

by LLB Finance Reporter
24th Jun 21 9:26 am

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has today signalled how it plans to lead by example to create a fairer and more inclusive culture across the pensions industry and work with others to address inequality among savers.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, which has been developed in discussion with organisations across the pensions industry, sets out how TPR will embed diversity and inclusion throughout its organisation and how it will support its regulated community to do the same.

The strategy sets out a roadmap to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of TPR’s work as a regulatory body. It sets new targets which will ensure TPR meets the aims of the strategy which are:

  • to be a fair, diverse and inclusive employer
  • to build a collective understanding of why pensions inequalities occur and work in partnership with others seeking to reduce them
  • to promote higher standards of equality, diversity and inclusion among TPR’s regulated community

TPR’s Chair Sarah Smart said: “Now more than ever, organisations and employers are being called on to take a lead in bringing about a fairer and more inclusive society.

“Through our strategy, we are clear on our ambition for positive and lasting change across our own organisation, and the industry we regulate, to drive down inequality among savers.

“The status quo is not acceptable and it is crucial we continue to challenge ourselves so that diversity and inclusion are not simply seen as desirable but that they are embedded across everything we do.

“We also look to the pensions industry to work with us and work together to bring real improvements in diversity in relation to decision making across the sector.  We know that this will improve the quality of decisions and it will mean that Trustee Boards better reflect the diversity among savers.”

TPR’s Chief Executive Charles Counsell said: “It is only right that all organisations examine the impact they have and ensure they are fair and inclusive in the way they operate and the way they look after the people that work for them.

“As the UK regulator of workplace pensions and as an employer, TPR has been on this journey for some time – but we know there is much more to do.

“We have been clear in our Corporate Strategy that we want all savers to get good value for their money, that decisions made on behalf of savers are scrutinised, and we are a bold and effective regulator. Improving diversity and inclusion is fundamental to these goals. When we say we will put the saver at the heart of what we do, that means all savers.  No-one should be left behind.”

The objectives set out in the strategy detail how TPR’s workforce and practices will become more diverse and inclusive. It also sets out how the regulator will work with the industry so that scheme governing bodies become more diverse and inclusive in their decision making and that TPR will work with the industry, other agencies and central government to help tackle inequality among savers.

The Pensions Regulator is calling today for people from across the pensions industry, government and other regulators to sign up for its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webinar (tprevernts.org.uk) next month to learn more about the strategy and discuss next steps.

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