Home Business Insights & Advice Tips for keeping fit when you have an office job

Tips for keeping fit when you have an office job

by Sarah Dunsby
19th Apr 22 4:12 pm

It can be difficult to maintain your fitness when you work a traditional 9-5. If you spend most of your day being chained to your desk and another hour or two sitting on a train or in your car, fitness can seem like an impossible goal. But all hope needn’t be lost – there are lots of ways to improve your overall health and well-being even when your lifestyle is predominantly sedentary. This blog has some great tips that can help you get on the right track.

Invest in a personal trainer

London Ultimate Performance personal trainers can work with you to create an exercise plan that works for your lifestyle and goals. It can be incredibly difficult to get started on your fitness journey with no guidance at all, so don’t make things harder than they need to be. Your personal trainer will know exactly which exercises will help to undo the damage that sitting all day can cause. What’s more, most of them have a very flexible schedule, with some even offering online consultations. This means you’ll be able to access the help you need outside of working hours, whether that’s early in the morning or late at night.

Perform desk exercises

One of the main reasons for discomfort amongst office workers is due to a lack of movement during the day. No matter how good your exercise routine is, it’s hard to get rid of all your aches and pains if you don’t move at all while you’re at work. There are lots of simple stretches you can do from your desk chair, such as a seated cat/cow pose. However, the most effective thing you can do is actually get up out of your chair and walk around. Make sure you’re using your lunch break wisely instead of just staying hunched over in your chair.

Buy an exercise mat

Sometimes it can be hard to get to and from the gym on a daily basis, but an exercise mat allows you to do a workout whenever you have even ten minutes to spare. This could mean doing stretches in front of the TV or doing a quick HIIT session before your morning coffee. Either way, an exercise mat can help you to stop making excuses. It also gives you more control over your routine and saves you a lot of time in travelling.

Consider a standing desk

If sitting all day is really starting to bother you, consider asking your company whether they can give you a standing desk. Lots of workplaces are becoming more understanding of employees’ needs, so it’s always worth putting in a request. Alternatively, if you work from home sometimes, you can invest in one yourself. Many people who work from home are now even buying treadmill desks, which means you can walk while you type. Having a treadmill desk at home doesn’t just have to be for work though, you could also use it while you’re reading in the evening or chatting on the phone with your family.

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