Home Business Insights & Advice Three ways to use text for business communication

Three ways to use text for business communication

by Sarah Dunsby
10th Aug 23 2:27 pm

Text is transforming the way that businesses across the world communicate with customers. If you are yet to adopt text messaging or if you are still relying on email then this is why you need to make a change.

Customer service communication

If you have two-way text messaging set up, then you can use this as a way to create an open dialogue with your customers. Having a conversation over text is much more direct, when compared to going back and forth through email. Communicating via text is faster for customer service agents as well. You can use SMS to send security pin codes, request feedback, confirm a refund request and more.

Delivery confirmation

SMS is ideal if you work in the eCommerce sector. Businesses often send out order confirmations and delivery updates via text. These types of notifications provide some level of reassurance to customers. They also ward off enquiries that may not be necessary. Remember also, that text has a much higher open rate when compared to email, which means you have a higher chance of your message actually being seen.

Appointment reminders

No-shows cost your business money. Sending a reminder a couple of days before your appointment is due, will help you to reduce cancellations. This will save your business time, energy and money, meaning you can reinvest in your company.

If you are yet to adopt text as a way to connect with your customers, then you will find an infographic below, detailing the benefits of using WhatsApp.

Infographic designed by: YourBusinessNumber

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