Home Business NewsBusiness Thousands of Tesco staff forced to take a pay cut

Thousands of Tesco staff forced to take a pay cut

by LLB Reporter
10th Oct 22 9:56 am

Thousands of Tesco staff have been forced to take a large real-terms pay cut, the Guardian reports today.

It comes as the supermarket giant has begun offering bigger wage rises for lower-paid workers while putting a squeeze on their seniors.

“We all feel very let down. Tesco is publicly stating that it understands how its colleagues are struggling, yet appears to be excluding a whole chunk of store staff,” one team manager told the paper.

A Tesco spokesperson said the company was working hard to support staff across the business. “We benchmark pay for all roles at Tesco to ensure they are competitive against the market and we’re also mindful of the broader economic pressures our colleagues face.

“Our team managers do brilliant work, day in day out, and in addition to their pay increase this year, they also received a bonus of 4.5% in May. We’re currently speaking to both colleagues and our union representatives to understand how we might be able to support these colleagues further.”

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