Home Business NewsTech News This is the Queen’s first ever Tweet

This is the Queen’s first ever Tweet

24th Oct 14 12:08 pm

It’s not quite The King’s Speech, but today Her Royal Highness the Queen of England used her own fingers to send a tweet from an exhibition at the Science Museum.

The Queen’s Tweet was sent at 11.36am and read: “It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R.”

The tweet was sent from the official @BritishMonarchy Twitter account and a photograph of the process was later Tweeted from the same account, though no-one is sure who wrote that one.

At the time of writing the Royal tweet had gained 2,627 retweets and 1,790 favourites.

But almost half an hour since broadcasting her message Her Majesty was not trending.


(12.22pm) Apparently, Her Majesty didn’t write the tweet, she just pressed send. This guy wrote the tweet.

This leads us to the problematic question: who is the tweeter, the person who writes the tweet or the person who presses send? Hmm.

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