Home Business Insights & Advice Things you should know about council tax when moving house

Things you should know about council tax when moving house

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20th May 19 9:29 am

Do you know what Council Tax is? Have you ever paid it in your life? If you never paid it and you are over 18 with your accommodation, then you have come to the right place. Following, we are going to describe everything about Council Tax you need to know!

What is a council tax?

Council Tax is a localized taxation system introduced in England and other countries. It taxes domestic properties. It replaced the Company Charge in 1993 thanks to the Local Government Finance Act of 1992.

How much is my Council Tax?

You can check your tax based on where you live. If you live in England, go to https://www.gov.uk/ to see how much you are liable to pay.

How to Cancel Council Tax When Moving House?

If you are moving out, let the local authorities know where you are moving from a month before you make a move. This way, you will see the change of address page on the authority’s website page in time. If you are facing trouble cancelling the tax, contact Removals Company London.

What if I can’t afford my council tax?

You go to Arrears when you miss a Council Tax. This means you own money to the council. Contact them straight away and let them know you can’t afford it. They will evaluate your situation before passing judgment. Don’t wait for them to contact you because they will take strict action by then!

When do I start paying tax in new home?

If you checked in with the authorities before you moved out, you would start paying the tax once you enter the new house. In case you didn’t check with them, then you will have to pay tax for both properties unless you get the previous home off your address list. So, its important that you take care of this before you move out!

Council tax refund when moving out

Depending on your area, you might get a refund if you are moving out or you have overpaid in the past. It’s a good initiative!

Some areas can give you an automatic refund once you move out. You can expect the refund within 28 days of moving out (provided you informed the authorities). If you don’t pay the Council tax by debit or credit card, you will get a cheque at the new address.

How to register for council tax?

If you want to register for council tax in England, you better visit Wesminster.gov.uk. Go to this site if you are moving out and complete the provided form. You can inform within ten days in advance. If someone is moving out with you, you better add them to the Council Tax Account as well. Email Westminster to update your account details from time to time.

Council tax bands in England?

Following are the Council Tax Bands and Charges for 2019/20

Band Property Value Tax
A £40,000 or less £1,321
B £40,001- £52,000 £1,541
C £52,001- £ 68,000 £ 1,761
D £68,001- £88,000 £1,982
E £88,001- £120,000 £2,422
F £120,001- £160,000 £2,863
G £160,001- £320,000 £3,303
H £320,001 and above £3,964


Who doesn’t have to pay a council tax in England?

People who are over 18 and have their accommodation (own property or rent) are liable to pay council tax. The full council tax bill needs two adults living in a household; they can be partners and spouses and who live together and are responsible for paying their bills.

What happens if you don’t pay council tax?

If you neglect your Council Tax Collection, you will be reminded a few times. If you still don’t pay off your dues, then a court will issue an order for you to pay the full tax amount. This is severe, if this happens to you, make sure you make the payment at earliest. If you refrain from doing it, then severe action will be taken against you.

In case you are facing issues paying the taxes, make sure you inform the court or the Westminster.

How to pay council tax?

There are several ways to pay the Council Tax. You can get your tax collected at the nearby post office, newsagents, convenience stores, and banks. There are many online solutions as well. Following; we are naming a few of them:

  • QuickCards
  • Paypoint

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