Home Brexit Theresa May warns Johnson EU won’t reopen withdrawal agreement

Theresa May warns Johnson EU won’t reopen withdrawal agreement

by LLB Reporter
12th Jul 19 9:49 am

Theresa May has warned Tory leadership hopeful Boris Johnson that the EU will not reopen talks to renegotiate the withdrawal agreement.

Both Johnson and Jeremy Hunt have openly said they pledge to renegotiate a better withdrawal agreement with the EU.

However, May said, “The EU have said they don’t want to, and won’t reopen agreement.”

May told the Daily Mail in an interview, “I did everything I could to get it over the line.

“I was willing to sit down with Jeremy Corbyn, willing to sacrifice my premiership, give up my job!

“People have asked me: ‘Why didn’t you tip the table over?’ But if you do that constantly, it’s like the little girl crying wolf, it ceases to have an effect.”

She added, “I had assumed mistakenly that the tough bit of the negotiation was with the EU, that Parliament would accept the vote of the British people and just want to get it done, that people who’d spent their lives campaigning for Brexit would vote to get us out on March 29 and May 27. But they didn’t.”

“People say ‘you are being far too rigid! You’re insisting on this!’ Then, on the other hand, people say: ‘You’ve given everything away. You’ve compromised and moved too far’. They can’t both be true.”

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