Home Breaking Theresa May heads to Brussels after surviving confidence vote

Theresa May heads to Brussels after surviving confidence vote

by Purvai Dua
13th Dec 18 8:56 am

Prime Minister Theresa May is heading to Brussels for the second time this week, just hours after a mutiny by more than a third of her MPs failed to unseat her.

May won last evening’s confidence vote by 200 votes, with 118 votes against her. She now cannot be challenged as Conservative leader for at least another year.

Immediately after the result was declared, the PM stood outside 10 Downing Street and pledged to seek “legal and political assurances” on the Brexit backstop from EU leaders.

But Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable said, despite the “high drama” of Wednesday, “nothing has really changed”.

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith said it was now up to May to listen to her party and “push the EU… to resolve the backstop”.

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