Home Business NewsPolitics News Theresa May faces new legal Brexit challenge

Theresa May faces new legal Brexit challenge

3rd Feb 17 8:28 am

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Theresa May is set to face a new legal Brexit challenge on Friday as a High Court judge will be told that MPs must be given a vote on leaving the European Economic Area (EEA).

The campaign, known as The Single Market Justice will say that because the UK joined EEA separately from joining the EU, it believes it must leave the EEA with another law passed by MPs.

If this were to go ahead the Prime Minister Theresa May would have to ask MPs to agree to trigger Article 127 of the EEA Treaty, it would give a notice of the UK’s plans to leave.

On Thursday, the Brexit Secretary, David Davis refused to rule out the matter of voting on leaving the EEA. He was asked about this by Labour MP Heidi Alexander.

He replied with: “Once we are outside the EU, the question of whether we automatically cease to be a member of the EEA becomes a legal empty vessel.”

“We will look at that. If we do propose to withdraw from the EEA, we will come back and tell the House.”

Both campaigners Peter Wilding and Adrian Yalland are set to apply for a judicial review of the governments proposed exit from the EEA.

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